Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Curruculum Implementation Essay Example

Curruculum Implementation Essay Curriculum Implementation C] Curriculum are implemented by the principal with the help of the teacher in an actual school setting and finding out If the curriculum achieved Its goals. 0 Implementation Is the actual use of the curriculum or syllabus. 0 Implementation does not only focus on the actual but also on the attitudes of those who implement it. C] Implementation is an interaction between those who have created the programmer and those who are charged to deliver it. How to Implement a Curriculum 1. Laissez- Fairer Approach (Let Alone Approach) The teacher has absolute power to determine what is best to Implement In the classroom. 2. Authoritarian Control Teachers are directed by authority, through a memorandum, to follow a curriculum. Factors That Influence Curriculum Implementation . The Teacher The Learners 2. Resource materials and facilities 3. 4. Interest groups The School environment 5. Culture and Ideology 6. Instructional supervision 7. Curriculum Leadership It is an act of exercising functions that enables the achievement of schools goal of providing quality education. Aims on maximizing student learning. Focuses on what is learned and how it is taught. Roles and Functions of a Curriculum Leader 1. School Level Develop the schools vision of a quality curriculum. Supplement the states or districts educational goals. Develop the schools own program of studies. Determine the nature and extent of curriculum integration. Monitor and assist in curriculum Implementation. Develop yearly planning calendars of personalizing the curriculum. Develop units of study. Four Major Tasks of a Curriculum Leader (regardless of what level) 1 . Ensuring curriculum quality and applicability. 2. Integrating and aligning the curriculum. 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Curruculum Implementation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Curruculum Implementation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Curruculum Implementation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Implementing the curriculum efficiently. 4. Regularly evaluating, enriching and updating the curriculum. Curriculum Approaches A. Behavioral Approach Setting of goals and objectives Evaluating the learning outcomes are seen as a change in behavior. B. Managerial Approach General Manager sets policies and priorities, establishes the direction of change and innovation, and planning and organizing curriculum and instruction. Roles of Supervisors/ General Manager 1. Develop the schools educational goals. 2. Plan curriculum with students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders. . Design programs of study by grade levels. 4. Plan or schedule classes or school calendar. 5. Prepare curriculum guides or teacher guides by grade level or subject area. 6. Help in the evaluation and selection of textbooks. 7. Observe teachers. 8. Assist teachers in the implementation of the curriculum. 9. Encourage curriculum innovation and change. 10. Develop standards for curriculum and instructional education. C. System Approach How decisions are made with, are based on the organizational structure of the school district or school. D. Humanistic Approach Learner centered approach. Concentrate in the total development of the individual. Components of the Curriculum A. Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives 1. Aim- Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary 2. Goals- Schools Mission and Vision 3. Objectives- Educational Objectives These are information learned in school 1. Subject-centered View of Curriculum Knowledge accumulated through time due to mans exploration of his world. Groomer Burner: Knowledge is a model we construct to give meaning and structure to regularities in experience 2. Learner-centered View of Curriculum Knowledge to the individuals personal and social world and how he/she defines reality. Criteria Used in Selection of Subject Matter for the Curriculum 1. Self Sufficiency Less teaching effort and educational resources. Less learners effort but more results and effective learning outcomes in the most economical manner. 2. Significance Contribute to basic ideas to achieve overall aim of curriculum and develop learning skills. Importance of the subject. 3. Validity If the subject is meaningful to the learner based on maturity, prior experience, educational and social value. 4. Utility Usefulness of the content either for the present or future. 5. Learnable Subject should be within the range of the experience of the learners. 6. Feasibility If the subject can be learned within the tile allowance, resources available, expertise of the teacher, and nature of the learner. C. Curriculum Experience The core and heart of the curriculum. Instructional strategies and methods. Some Guide for Selection and Use of Methods 1. Teaching methods are means to achieve the end. 2. There is no single best teaching method. 3. Teaching methods should stimulate the learners desire to develop the cognitive, effective, psychometric, social and spiritual domain of the individual. 4. Learning styles of the students should be considered. 5. Every method should lead to the development of the learning outcome in 3 domains. 6. Flexibility should be considered in every teaching method. D. Curriculum Evaluation Formal determination of the quality effectiveness or value of the program, process and product of the curriculum. CHIP Model (context, input, process, product) Steps in Curriculum Evaluation 1. Focus on one particular component of the curriculum. 2. Collect or gather the information. 3. Organize the information. 5. Report the information. 6. Recycle the information for continuous feedback, modifications and adjustments to be more. Major Foundations of Curriculum A. Philosophical Foundation The framework for planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum in schools. Foundation of any curriculum. Four Educational Philosophies 1. Perennials Focuses on reasoning skills and moral thinking. Considers curriculum as constant. 2. Essentialist Focuses in the development of what is essential in the life of man . Centers on the development of basic skills. 3. Progressivism Focuses on the students interest, human problems and affairs. 4. Reconstructions Focus on the present and future trends and issues of national and international interests.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Introduce Discuss and Analyze The Eyes on the Prize summary of Chapter 8 essays

Introduce Discuss and Analyze The Eyes on the Prize summary of Chapter 8 essays Chapter Eight is an interesting chapter because it looks at how the civil rights movement affected two northern cities, Detroit and Chicago, and illustrates the "tensions and differences" between whites and blacks at the time. It also shows how there were racial tensions outside the South, and that they affected many different aspects of society. In Chicago, one of the most important aspects of civil rights reform consisted of fair housing and the regulation of housing so landlords did not discriminate toward blacks and other minorities. In Detroit, riots broke out because blacks were dissatisfied with their treatment by police and the community. After the Detroit riots, President Johnson created a commission to study civil rights in the country. "The commission warned that America was 'moving towards two societies, one black, one white - separate and unequal (Carson et al 291). The chapter presents a variety of documents that all relate to Chicago, Detroit, and the growing unrest in the two areas. In the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) document, known as the "Chicago Plan," housing and education are of paramount importance, and the organization provides a "philosophy of social change" that includes ending segregation, opening up educational opportunities to black children, and eradicating slums. They list twelve areas that need to improve, from the Federal Government to slum landlords, and they ask churches and college students to work as a team to help eradicate Chicago's race problems peacefully, but forcefully. They encourage peaceful demonstrations to help obtain legislation both locally and nationally to end discrimination. The next document, written by Martin Luther King, Jr. is a list of the demands tacked to the front door of Chicago's City Hall, which include demands for fair housing practices including mortgages, fair hiring ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ancient Roman Charioteers in the Roman Myths Essay

Ancient Roman Charioteers in the Roman Myths - Essay Example The sources reveal that most Roman charioteers died at a young age, thus implying the danger of such a career. For example, one driver for the Blue faction in around AD 68 died at the age of 25 (ILS 5284). Crescent, the driver for the Blue faction in around Ad 115-124 died at 22 years old (ILS 5285). Moreover, Fuscus, a driver for the Greens, died in around AD 35 at the age of 24 (ILD 5278). In the same way, Marcus Aurelius Polynices died at 29 and his brother Marcus Aurelius Mollicius Tatianus died at 20 (ILS 5286). All of these documented accounts of charioteers were never able to live past the age of 29. In fact, although some of the ancient Roman charioteers may have survived the race past the age of 30, charting as a career still posed as a great danger to many charioteers considering that there was always the possibility that one’s life would end early. The sources imply that the impulse to win and to keep racing was great despite the danger because of the promise of reward and recognition, thus further endangering one’s life in the seemingly endless pursuit of such a career. The promise and temptation of the rewards accorded to the best charioteers must have been a continuous source of inspiration for many young charioteers who sought fame, fortune and recognition. For example, the driver for the Blue faction in around AD 68 received honors 354 times (ILS 5284). Glabrio, in around AD 115-124, received prizes of 1,558,346 sesterces (ILS 5285). In addition, Marcus Aurelius Polynices won the 40,000-sesterces prize 3 times, the 30,000-sesterces prize 26 times, and the pure prize 11 times (ILS 5286). Lacerta of the Reds also made as much money as to finance 100 lawyers to leave his sons (ILS 5287). Publius Aelius Gutta Calpurnianus, also won numerous awards, with the greatest at 50,000 sesterces once, 40,000 sesterces 9 times, an d 30,000 sesterces 17 times (ILS 5288). Such prices have been so great and so there was always the  drive in the charioteers to achieve these rewards. Moreover, erected monuments and speeches to glorify the victors even in their deaths actually served as an inspiration to many charioteers to keep on with their careers.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Social Intelligence of People Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Intelligence of People - Assignment Example Albrecht scale of behavioral concepts can help identify areas of human interaction that need to be addressed for improved social skills. I have achieved a score of 91 on Albrecht’s self-assessment quiz which has revealed my nourishing and toxic behavioral traits. Five aspects of each are discussed as below. Five of my most nourishing traits are: communicating openly and honestly; acknowledging and affirming others; expressing respect for others’ ideas; and sympathize with others; and keeping confidences. These have helped me to build a constructive social relationship with lots of genuine friends and well-wishers. These attributes have also given me credibility amongst friends and acquaintances, facilitating improved performance in academia as well as personal development as an individual. Respecting others’ ideas has helped me to develop critical thinking and providing me with the ability to look for new opportunities even in adverse circumstances. My five toxic behaviors include: monopolizing conversation; sometimes snappy and moody having low tolerance; interrupting others and not listening patiently to others; bragging, and manipulating others for my own goals. These traits have created some enemies and have blocked my progress in the work arena. They have also created distrust amongst some of my acquaintances and obstructed my progress in studies as well as frustrated my efforts for strengthening my relationships others. These traits have led to reduced trust and respect amongst my friends and peer group. I would like to have more communication skills as they are important tools for resolving conflicts. It is an important mechanism of expressing and explaining facts that could create problems for oneself and others. A person, who makes effort to develop better ways of communicating with other people, is able to strengthen his/her personal and  professional relationship and facilitate a better understanding that paves way for a productive outcome.  Moreover, the vast scope of communication, in terms of behavioral pattern, language used and non-verbal means of contact are important aspects which are extremely relevant in the social interaction.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Liquid Based Cytology are they fail safe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Liquid Based Cytology are they fail safe - Essay Example Infact, every nurse-patient encounter is unique and many nursing problems have no fixed solutions. Reflection is a very important and core part of nursing training and education. The current trends and advancements in the profession of nursing have forced the profession to look for effective measure of effective practice, the most important of which is reflective activity. Advances in the 21st century are seeing many new developments in the field of healthcare forcing the nursing faculty to reinforce effective and appropriate education. This becomes of primary importance by virtue of the nature of the profession nursing is. As such, the primary goal of nursing is to provide quality health care to patients. High standards of competence can be maintained by the nurses through appropriate evaluation and examinations of one's own activities and performance, through clinical reflection. Reflection is the process by which a person evaluates and examines one's own thoughts and actions. Refl ective practice is very essential for nursing clinical practice because it helps the nurse to understand, assess and learn through the experiences during clinical practice (Burns and Grove, 2005). ... Reflection using Gibb's model of reflection The frameworks make the process of reflection easy. There are many frameworks. Gibbs model is a reflective cycle which is a straight forward and recognized framework for reflection wherein it enables clear description of the situation of the patient, the analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other points are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what you would do if situation arose again. Description of the situation involves recollection of the condition of the patient, the signs and symptoms, and the initial evaluation parameters when the patient got admitted. Analysis of feelings involves evaluation of the feelings of the nurse towards the patient and also the feelings of the patient during the course of treatment. Evaluation of experience involves evaluation of the negative and positive actions of the nurse at that particular situation. Analysis invo lves evaluation of the impact of the actions of oneself on the condition of the patient, whether the actions cause improvement or deterioration of the condition of the patient. Description 40 year old Lucy (Name changed due to confidentiality reasons according to NMC code) was referred for cervical cancer screening. Lucy apparently had no health problems. She was mother of 3 children. She was accompanied by her husband. Lucy was apprehensive and nervous about the procedure. She had many doubts regarding the test. She asked me whether the test had any side effects, what were the benefits of the test, whether the test was fail safe and as to what would be the next step in case

Friday, November 15, 2019

Financial Institutions in India

Financial Institutions in India Financial sector plays an indispensable role in the overall development of a country. The most important constituent of this sector is the financial institutions, which act as a conduit for the transfer of resources from net savers to net borrowers, that is, from those who spend less than their earnings to those who spend more than their earnings. Ok, now before continuing to explain the role of financial institutions in the development of industries, lets take a little bit brief detail of financial institutions in Indian context. Financial Institution: Financial Institution is not a new concept in financial history. The evolution of financial institutions must be differentiated from economic history and history of money. In Europe, it may have started with the first commodity exchange, the Bruges Bourse in 1309 and the first financiers and banks in the 1400-1600s in central and Western Europe. The first global financiers the Fuggers (1487) in Germany; the first stock company in England (Russia Company 1553); the first foreign exchange market; the first stock exchange. In financial economics, a financial institution is an institution that provides financial services for its clients or members. Probably the most important financial service provided by financial institutions is acting as financial intermediaries. Most financial institutions are highly regulated by government bodies. Broadly speaking, there are three major types of financial institution. Deposit-taking institutions that accept and manage deposits and make loans; Insurance companies and pension funds; Brokers, Underwriters and investment funds Functions of financial institutions: Why these institutions exit. Or simply saying, what are the basic functions of these financial institutions.? To know the role of these institutions, lets discuss its main functions that they provide. As we have already discussed that, there are numbers of financial institutions in financial market like banks, credit unions, asset management pension providing institutions, risk management institutions, which serve some purposes as follows: Accepting Deposits Providing Commercial Loans Providing Real Estate Loans Providing Mortgage Loans Issuing Share Certificates At the same time, there are several governmental financial institutions assigned with regulatory and supervisory functions. These institutions have played a distinct role in fulfilling the financial and management needs of different industries, and have also shaped the national economic scene. Here is the list of various financial institutions. Maharashtra State Financial Corporation The State Industrial and Investment Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd The Public/National Financial institutions All nationalized banks All scheduled banks All co-operative banks Regional Development corporations Housing Development Finance Corporation Export-Import bank of India So these are the various financial institutions existing in India. All have their own contribution in development of economy of India if we talk about that. Lets talk about State Bank of India (SBI). State Bank Of India: SBI (State Bank Of India) is the largest bank of India. It is considered as 29th most reputable company in the world according to Forbes. It is one of big four banks of India with ICICI bank, Axis bank and HDFC Bank. State Bank of India (SBI) was nationalized in July 1955 under the SBI Act of 1955. Seven banks of SBI formed subsidiary and was nationalized on 19th July, 1960. The State Bank of India is Indias largest commercial bank, as already said above. It serves 90 million customers through a network of 9,000 branches. It has largest ATM network all over India. There are six associate banks that fall under SBI, and together these six banks constitute the State Bank Group. All use the same logo of a blue keyhole and all the associates use the State Bank of name followed by the regional headquarters name. SBI Bank India has 52 Foreign Offices in 34 countries. SBI India serves the international needs of its foreign customers, in addition to conducting retail operations. The focus of the offices of SBI is India-related business. Few of the countries where SBI Bank has branches are as under: Australia Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Canada France Germany And also other than these are USA, UK, South Africa and Sri Lanka. Functions of SBI: What are major functions of State Bank of India that are served? Lets try to find answer of that question then we will continue to discuss about its contribution to industrial development of India. As it comes under the category of Public/Nationalized banks, so it has directly link with public and other banks too. The State bank of India acts as an agent of the Reserve Bank of India and performs the following functions: It borrows money from the public by accepting deposits such as current account deposits, fixed deposits and saving deposits. It lends money to merchants and manufacturers for short periods. It also lends to farmers and co-operative institutions. It acts actually as the bankers bank. In discharging this responsibility, the bank provides loans to commercial bank when required and also re-discount their bill. It also acts as the clearing house of the commercial bank. State Bank of India also acts as an agent of Reserve bank of India. As an agent, the State bank of India maintains the treasuries of the State Government. It also performs various subsidiary services also. It collects checks, drafts, bills of exchange, dividends interest, salaries and pensions on behalf of its customers. So these are some of the functions that are performed by SBI. Contribution toward Industrial Development: Coming to major purpose of out term paper assignment, lets discuss about contribution to development of Indian Industries. As we know, financial institutions deal with various financial activities associated with bonds, debentures, stocks, loans, risk diversification, insurance, hedging, retirement planning, investment, portfolio management, and many other types of related functions. With the help of their functions, the financial institutions transfer money or funds to various tiers of economy and thus play a significant role in acting upon the domestic and the international economic scenario. The functions of financial institutions, such as stock exchanges, commodity markets, futures, currency, and options exchanges are very important for the economy. These institutions are involved in creating and providing ownership for financial claims. These institutions are also responsible for maintaining liquidity in the market and managing price change risks. As part of their various services, these institutions provide investment opportunities and help businesses to generate funds for various purposes. If we talk about SBI, the State Bank began an era of expansion, acting as a motor for Indias industrial and agricultural development that was to transform it into one of the worlds largest financial networks. Indeed, by the early 1990s, the State Bank counted nearly 15,000 branches and offices throughout India, giving it the worlds single largest branch network. Industrialization and Financial Institution: As we know that industrialization is the most important method by which any country can make its growth rapid and reliable. In the long-run it is regarded as the means to full employment, high productivity and better living standards. It is also the only way through which other objectives of national economic policy like removal of poverty, balanced regional development and national defense can be effectively realized. In India, at present, we have a fairly well-developed framework to cater to the financial requirements of the industrial sector, specifically of medium and long term finances. With a variegated structure, the financial institutions have played a signified part in the industrial development via investment market and have emerged as backbone of the financial system. State Bank of India has also contributed more in the development of industrial sector of India. Its roles fall in two categories: Qualitative Quantitative State Bank of India for carrying out its business operations, financial institutions implement different types of economic models. It like other financial institutions assists their clients and investors to maximize its profits by rendering appropriate guidance. This financial institution also imparts a wide range of educational programs to educate the investors on the fundamentals of investment and also regarding the valuation of stock, bonds, assets, foreign exchanges, and commodities. Since 1973, bank is actively involved in non-profit activity called Community Services banking. In the words of chairman of SBI, business is more than banking because by this we can touch the lives of people anywhere in many ways. At a macro level, SBI would likely be a key beneficiary of the economy returning back to a potential growth path through rising demand for loans as the economy rebounds to higher activity levels. Further, SBI could raise its productivity in the long run through potential mergers with its subsidiary banks and through revenue/cost synergies. With this, the number of SBI associates would come down to five. Further with a continued rebound in capital market activity and the life insurance and AMC, the business is picking up steam. Whatever the case, it is evidently clear that though the stock is looking a little expensive today, it is and will remain a blue-chip till the India story hold good. If the economy is back on the fast track, the banking system will have to show a robust growth led by none other than this banking behemoth. As there is linear relationship between economic growth and financial institutions, without financial institutions interference, any country cannot imagine growth of its economy. Financial institutions not only help industries by providing direct loans and subsidies to them but also providing finance education and skills indirectly. Since liberalization, the government has approved significant banking reforms. While some of these relate to nationalized banks like encouraging mergers, reducing government interference and increasing profitability and competitiveness, other reforms have opened up the banking and insurance sectors to private and foreign players. Currently, in 2007, banking in India is generally mature in terms of supply, product range and reach-even, though reach in rural India still remains a challenge for the private sector and foreign banks. In terms of quality of assets and capital adequacy, Indian banks are considered to have clean, strong and transparent balance sheets relative to other banks in comparable economies of Asia. The Reserve Bank of India is an autonomous body, with minimal pressure from the government. The stated policy of the Bank on the Indian Rupee is to manage volatility but without any fixed exchange rate. Currently, India has 88 scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) — 28 public sector banks (that is with the Government of India holding a stake), 29 private banks, these do not have government stake; they may be publicly listed and traded on stock exchanges, and 31 foreign banks. They have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 17,000 ATMs. The public sector banks hold over 75% of total assets of the banking industry, with the private and foreign banks holding 18.2% and 6.5% respectively. And if we talk about SBI, it has largest ATM network all over India. SBI is a commercial bank. Commercial banks play an important role in economic development of developing country. Economic development involves investment in various sectors of economy. The banks collect savings from the people and mobilize saving for investment in industrial project. The investors borrow from banks to finance the projects. Promote the growth rate through the reorientation of loan policy. Special funds are provided to the investors for the completion of projects. The banks provide a guarantee for industrial loan from international agencies. The foreign capital flows to developing countries for investment in projects. Besides normal banking the banks perform agency services for the client. The banks buy and sell securities, make rent payments, receive subscription funds and collect utility bills for the Government departments. Thus these banks save time and energy of busy peoples. Banks arrange foreign exchange for the business transaction with other countries. The facility of foreign currency account has resulted in an increase of foreign exchange reserves. By opening a letter of credit the banks promote foreign trade. The banks are not simply collecting funds but also serve as a guide to the customer investment of their funds. The policy of banks is an instrument in wide dispersal of credit in country. It is said that if the banking system in a country is effective, efficient and disciplined, it brings about a rapid growth in the various sectors of the economy. Conclusion: After a deep study about the role of State Bank of India in the development of industrial sector, we arrive at the conclusion that without the financial assistance, the industrial sector cannot seek growth and this financial assistance can only be provided by banking sector, and major contribution to this is by commercial banks. State Bank India generally acts as a development bank and provides short and long term loans to entrepreneurs to invest in new enterprises and adopt new methods of production. As soon as the SBI has caught growth, there has been noticeable growth in trade and industry. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nutrition Information

1. Nutrition.Gov is a US Federal Government Organization that presents the latest and excellent nutritional data.   The information provided on the website can be utilized by both professional and the general public to gain reliable, valid, current and precise knowledge regarding the latest findings in food and nutrition, physical fitness, diet, healthy eating and food safety.   The data provided on the website is evidence-based and hence is highly recommended for use by the general public who want to develop healthy food habits, reduce the chances of developing nutrition-related illnesses and reduce obesity and malnutrition. The nutritional data provided is specific to various age-groups such infants, children, adolescents, adults, women and elders.   The topics are classified according to the audience-level (such as professionals, parents, teachers, children, researchers, etc), subtopics or the age group.   All information provided on the is thoroughly referenced and can be validated.   The authors name or the authority of source along with the credentials is provided on the website. Data about physical fitness and food supplements are also provided.   The website also presents useful, updated and trustworthy links which could help the user to get more information if they are interested.   The website also provides contact information about the owner of the website (such as name, contact address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address) which permits the user to get their doubts clarified.   The website also posts the latest new in the field of food and nutrition in an attractive manner. 2. The British Nutrition Foundation is a British-based charity organization that provides the latest scientific data for educational purposes for the public (in the UK and Europe).   The website does not promote the products or the services of a particular organization and hence is recommended for use by the general public.   The website presents the latest news, research findings, healthy nutrition and diet, recipes, health and physical fitness.   The website distributes evidence-based information for use by the public and the professionals, and hence is recommended for use. This evidence-based data is obtained by the British Nutritional Foundation through research conducted with universities, academic organizations, research institutes, NGO’s, and Governmental organizations.   The information presented on the British National Foundation website is current, valid, precise and verifiable, and details of the authority of source are also presented.   The website also provides a search box to permit the user to search for accurate information, quickly. 3. The American Dietetics Association (ADA) is the Largest Nutrition Organization in the US that has more than 65, 000 members who are nutritional professionals.   These members are making an effort to interpret the latest data and finding of professional findings of nutrition into results that can be applied by the public and utilized for developing a healthier living.   Nutritional experts belonging to several Universities and organizations based in the US are members of the ADA. More:  Nutrition The website is recommended because it provides the latest findings which can be utilized because the information available on the Website is accurate, valid, current and precise.   THE ADA conducts a lot of professional research and publishes these findings which the public could access in its website.   Some of the aims of the organization include bringing about healthy body weight of children and reducing the incidences of obesity and malnutrition through research and education.   The website is user-friendly as a search engine is present on the homepage which can be used to search for precise data. The search engine enables to the user to obtain accurate data rapidly.   Professional data is also available for members and professionals.   The ADA gives a lot of concern to child health and nutrition, food safety, food technology, geriatric health and nutrition, obesity and reforms in the field of health and nutrition.   The organization had invested about US$ 270, 000 for conducting professional research and education for the benefit of the public.   

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Inc Narrative Report Essay

For our group, the INCredibles, we are assigned to organize an event which has something to do with a group and its cooperation. The two most important thing when we say â€Å"LEADERSHIP†. As described, â€Å"LEADERSHIP† is the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to achieve a specific goal. Leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership cannot be taught, although it may be learned and enhanced through coaching or mentoring. Through this as a student, we are after a good and responsible leader that could really lead us for the best. Through teambuilding activities, different strategies and different leadership is being standout. Teambuilding is defined as the ability to identify and motivate individual employees to form a team that stays together, works together, and achieves together. For our event, entitled â€Å"Many Paths, One Spirit, A legacy of Leadership† we are after for a good leader and especially this event is after for a true and a strong bond. Our event took place at Ouans worth farm, Kanlurang Mayao, Lucena City. The call time of the organizers is at 7:00 in the morning. And for our participants which are the DSC Officers, their call time is at 9:00 in the morning at Manuel S. Enverga CTHRM Study Area. When we got at the venue, everyone is busy designating and planning the last minute petty things to be solved. Then after that, we started putting thing into place. We started cutting papers for the souvenirs and started blowing up the balloons, while other members of the group is still at Zharina’s House and busy preparing the food for our event. We also decorated and started arranging the tables at the conference room and putting some finishing touches. Then after that everyone is settled and other members already know their designated stations for the Amazing Race, and we are only waiting for the arrival of our participants but the DSC Chairman arrived as early as 8:00 in the morning. Then our participants arrived at 10:00 in the morning and it also started the registration, the assigned for the registration is Lindsey Hidalgo, Vera Javier and Karen Tagon. After the participants finished the registration, the program officially begins. The event started with a prayer hoping the event would be successful and also at the same time to attain our main goal that is to have unity, cooperation and a strong bond among the DSC Officers. As the participants log their names at our registration forms, they were at the same time given their IDs and they are also to choose a balloon that indicates which group they would belong. After that Czarina Miranda the emcee of that day’s event, she welcomes whole heartedly the participants and calls on immpediately Nadine Almozara for her to start the day with a prayer. After the Opening Prayer, the Opening Remarks was given by Nina Lumenario. Then the emcee immediately instructed the participants on how the Amazing Race would work and what are the rules. The stations includes the following: Calamansi relay, bilangan ng monggo, spell me DSC, kadena, obstacle, pulot ng basura, harina, and eat all you can (includes ampalaya, banana, calamansi and tomsto). Then after that, the emcee instructed the participants that its time for them to know their respective groups. The first group includes Alexis, Meco and Nino. The second group includes Crio, Hazel, Tyrone, and Chesca. And the last group includes Paul, Alvin and Janica. After that the groups where formed and they need to make a name for their group and to present a yell. Paul’s group is named as the â€Å"TAMARights† inspired by the FEU Tamaraws, they performed their yell first. Alexis’ group is named as â€Å"Orange and Lemons† inspired by a Filipino Local Band. And the last group, Crio’s group is named as â€Å"BLUEtooth† inspired by a cellphone specs. Crio, Paul and Meco added spice whenever they throw jokes to each opther that makes also the event fun. And its now time for the groups to start the Amazing Race. The process is that they where given a clue that would took them to their destination and in that way they would be starting in dif ferent stations. In every stations that they’ll be accomplishing the Station Manager would give them a letter that is a key for a keyword â€Å"CTHRM DSC† and the first to complete this letters, they are the winner. So the game started it’s a thrill. We could really see the cooperation and the hardworks of our participants and we are really thankful because they really supported our event. The first group to arrived at the conference room and completed the letters is Paul’s Group and the are the TAMARights. Second who arrived is Alexis’ Group, the Orange and Lemons. And last is Crio’s Group, the BLUEtooth. So because Crio’s group finish last Meco started throwing jokes at Crio. And once4 again everyone laugh and enjoyed. Then after the picture taking. We started distributing lunch for our participants, our lunch is extraordinary because it’s in a banana leaf and we need to eat together but its really fun. We enjoyed eating like it’s all back to basic. After we finish our lunch, the second game begins and it is to solve a jigsaw puzzle. Alexis’ Group won the challenge, next is Crio’s group and lastly it’s Paul’s group. The next activity is to make their flags that would be symbolizing their group and everyone really made a good job. The event was tiring but it was really worth it, it’s fun and it really bonded the relationships of the participants and also the organizers. Alvin, the DSC Chairman, gave some message that really made us realize and also touches us. Immediately after that Donna, our Event Manager gave a Closing Remarks and after the program everyone was having a free time to sit and jam with the participants and to distribute their snacks and at the same time Paul gave us some intermission number and he does some impersonations. That ends our event and we really think that our event achieves our goals. And as we finish this event we are hoping that this would give our participants a more clearer and more deeper understanding about leadership.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Antebellum Reforms essays

Antebellum Reforms essays Webster defines the word antebellum as existing before a war (especially the Civil War). The Civil War was a means for reform, but there were many reforms that took place before the Civil War; some of which became issues in the war. Some of these reforms dealt with Christianity in the government and public schools, slavery and womens rights and the morality of war. President-elect Andrew Jackson wanted the people of America to become elevated so that they would become endowed with divinity. He felt by this endowment they could perfect the institutions of America and God would lead and speak through the people in their democracy. On the other hand Horace Mann felt that the most important thing to do in order to insure the survival of the American government was to guarantee that public schools were properly educating their students since one day those students would run the government. He felt that if the students were not given the proper guidance the government would self-destruct. These to men have different opinions of the best way to do the same thing, guarantee the prosperity of America. A very important reform that took place was equality. William Lloyd Garrison was the most prominent and uncompromising abolitionist in America. He felt that all slaves should be freed and that slave owners should receive no compensation because they were committing a sin by keeping slaves. Garrison felt that the Declaration of Independence applied to all people, including slaves. The Declaration of Sentiments, issued by the womens rights conventions at Seneca Falls, New York in July 1848 fought for equal rights for women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Frederick Douglass were some of the abolitionist that fought in the womens rights movement. They also felt that the Declaration of Independence applied to all people, including women. The Declaration of Sentiments actually adds the word women into the Decla...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Market Analysis Report

Market Analysis Report Market Analysis Report Market Analysis Report: What should You Know about It? Whether you are going to start new business, launch a new product or enter a new market, first of all, it is very important to make market analysis in order to find out the results of such actions. Other words, market analysis helps you forecast whether you will be successful or not. One should stress that your business future often depends on such study. That is why it is necessary for you to be able to make good market analysis. Thus, it becomes obvious why you have often to write different market analysis reports. What Is a Market Analysis Report? A market analysis report is the presentation of the results that you have obtained when studying a market situation. It should reflect the main steps that you took when study the problem. As a rule, a market analysis report should conta

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Medical School Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medical School - Personal Statement Example n and suffering in this world be minimized, I see a career in a medical related discipline as my way of helping other become happy in their life and, in return, for them to be able give back to society by living a healthy and productive life. My specific area of interest is to either become an orthopedic surgeon or to work in an area of internal medicine. Through it all, I feel that my role in either of these two areas will help me help others improve their overall well-being. Having grown up in a low-income household within a poor bedrock community, I can see myself working in such an area as I begin my medical career. Just as various individuals have come into my life through the years to motivate me to escape a life of poverty, I feel I can help instill a passion in others to do the same. Also, as a disproportionate number of poor people live in ill-health, without adequate access to quality medical care, this is definitely an area that I can feel I can be an asset. Looking back on my life, I can say that my interest in pursuing a career in medicine began when I was in middle school. As a teenager, even though I lived in a poorer demographic group, I honestly felt full of hope and optimism for the future. I thought everyone was filled with such hope, yet various incidences and my own studies quickly made me realize the the world is full of oppression and despair. I knew then, as I know now, that I want to be an agent of change for these individuals. As I moved through my adolescent years, I had various friends who had parents die of cancer or heart disease. I also saw family members become extremely ill due to their poor health, and this began to trouble me. Asking myself why people did not always seem to take adequate care of themselves, I realized that it was because they likely did not know any better. At that time I decided that I could be such a person that bought medical knowledge and care to those in my community. Hence my desire now to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Financial Incentives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23

Financial Incentives - Essay Example Financial incentives put a value on the accomplishment made by the member of staff. It serves to encourage brilliant and capable but unenthusiastic employees thus raising their efficiency. In addition, it creates healthy competition among workers thus increasing the turnover. It motivates an employee to focus on the target set. It leads to the attachment of the individual to the company, therefore, growing their level of commitment. Moreover, it links additional productivity with added pay. The other merits of financial incentives are to serve as the machinery of attracting other expert workforce and motivating workers to put forth extra effort. However, financial incentives can sometimes be small and demoralizing if not earned. It can also have a negative impact on unenthusiastic employees, who will fail to meet the set targets. Furthermore, it causes rifts and divisions among the workers, which will in turn negatively affect the productivity, hence the overall turnover of the company. In addition, it may lead to discrimination of the under performers and ineffective evaluation of individual skills since it is based on performance. Lack of training of supervisors on ways to determine the performance, may lead to the incentives not being standard, which leads to discontent among the employees. The downside of offering financial incentives to achieve customer satisfaction is the employees focus is short term, which does not reflect the company’s long-term goals. Moreover, it does not offer a system that measures the value of the employee’s skills. The focus on short-term goals causes the discounting of potential income of business at an elevated rate than is best for the business. The other incentives apart from financial incentives the company can offer include gift certificates, plaques, individual travel program, merchandize prizes, commissions, stocks and shares in the company and achievement recognition of the employees. The company has been in the market extensively to develop goodwill repute for quality, q. This repute is based on the quality of service and customer care distinctiveness.